Review of “Values to Bind and Build: A Reflection"

            Students were required to attend a seminar for the week. It was non-related to the course itself, but it was something new yet familiar. The seminar was also a book launching event for the book named “Values to Bind and Build: A Reflection”, authored by YBhg Professor Dato’ Dr. Tan Chong Tin, a clinical neurologist. Students were honoured to have the opportunity to listen to YBhg Professor Dato’ Dr. Tan Chong Tin’s lecture about the topics revolving ethnics and dignity. Dr. Tan shared and discussed about his view about the topic.

The book "Values to Bind and Build: A Reflection"

            The book launching event was held on 25 January 2019 at KB105, UTAR Sungai Long Campus. Starting off the event at 10AM, guests were welcomed with the applause of students and staffs standing up. With the arrival of the UTAR President, YBhg Ir. Professor Academian Dato’ Dr. Chuah Hean Teik, the event started as he gave his speech and greetings for the book launching. After the speech, he and the author of the book, Dr. Tan were invited to take out the red curtain to launch the book “Values to Bind and Build: A Reflection” officially. Shortly, several group photos were taken. Dr. Tan was later invited to have his speech and lecture about his book and the contents inside.

            The book “Values to Bind and Build: A Reflection” is about the concept and ways to build a nation with harmony between different ethnics in Malaysia. It was said to have done some analysis from the perspectives of history, politics, economic, law and culture. 50 years of implementation of the national strategy NEP, though the country is built up, but the ethnic polarization was not; it got worsened as people having different backgrounds, comes with different thinking with different beliefs and knowledges. It differs. To show that the economic view of the book is only partly true, it mainly focuses on the content of the adoption of psychological view.

            It was interesting that Dr. Tan, as a clinical neurologist that mainly focuses on medical field, talked about a topic which was far enough from the related field, but also interrelated with it, which is the psychological viewing. As he mentioned that “to understand the psychological drive to ethnic harmony is to appreciate the role of ‘identity’, ‘collective self-esteem’ and ‘dignity’, many may argue that in order to achieve harmony, the spirit of nationalism and patriotism, it is important to lower their identity at some parts. Thus, Dr. Tan shared his thoughts that ethnic harmony can be achieved without lowering the parts which is having a part of identity and dignity.

            Talking about one’s identity, self-esteem and dignity, these words reminded the thoughts of having the sense of pride, respect and importance in a person. Most of the time, people tend to make judgements quickly, which they did in defining others. People may define others that are unfamiliar with in a sensitive way, which is using their skin colour, accent, culture without the awareness of their stereotypical view. Every ethnic deserves the rights to be respected; dignity is what it will forms out of if one has pride for their ethnic. People have the pride, the dignity inside them; therefore, it will be easily offended if judgements are addressed as fast.

            It was stated that ethnic equality plays an important rule to achieve the harmony that most people looked forward to; equality, to let every ethnic having the same amount, equal attention, makes the thinking of equality equals to respect. In my opinion, the country may be trying to achieve equity, which is similar, but different to equality. Equality is giving the same thing in the equal and same amount. Meanwhile, equity is giving the ones that are lacking more, to makes us equal. It is not to argue that equality is not important, but in my humblest opinions, equity may be better. Everyone wants to be recognised and respected for whatever reason, but it is very difficult to. Therefore, equity probably helps when it comes to the weaker and poorer.

            In the lecture, Dr. Tan discussed about the importance of dignity, which he mentioned not lower than ten times. Everyone expects, or I should say, need recognition. He shared three values as suggestions which are neglected most of the time, including strong work ethic, openness and freedom. The first value, work ethic determines the success of the economy of an ethnic. It determines also economic productivity to push people to success. The second value is openness. The word itself says it all. Having a wide and opened mind, it helps to give people better ideas and the will to adopt the best. The third value will be freedom. Freedom of thinking, freedom of speech, if people are restricted with zero freedom, it may lead to the loss of creativity.

            Dr. Tan then mentioned that dignity is also based on being recognised as good and the needs of an individual differences or identities to be respected. The concept of “soft power”, which is the influence of attracting one for their goodness, later made the urge to pursue for goodness was being introduced during his lecture. It was said to help to build people’s self-esteem and dignity. Identity is important to every single one of us, as it differentiate us between others and ourselves. In such, people expect themselves to be accepted and respected by others. Without addressing our own identities, as a human, we should have respects for each other as well.

            By attending this seminar, I found that it is important to have the awareness for the aspects such as economic, politics and the relation between ethnics. It recalled my experience of doing an assignment for a course, which in an interview, a student did mention about his thoughts of different ethnics, “everything is different, but everything is also the same”, he said. It was deep, but as a people of the country, every single one of us plays an important role to make a change for the country. Therefore, by learning that respect is the key to build and achieve harmony, we should be more understanding towards others.


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